
Black Wind Books is a publisher of hard-to-find books, commonly poorly typeset books, out of print books, zines, pamphlets and whatever else the publisher fancies.

The publisher is Aaron Leonard, found also at (https://risingthumb.xyz)

Regarding purchasing books, we use Stripe as our payment processor.


BlackWindBooks.com uses a print-on-demand service (Lulu) to provide and fulfill orders of books. This allows us to produce and sell these rarely stocked works without the financial risk of preprinting many books.

Lulu handles both printing and shipping, which means that in the rare case of there being issues with either, such as shipping delays or printing errors, contact them here.

Books to Add

We are often looking for books to add to our collection. Suggestions may be sent to blackwindbooks@blackwindbooks.com. Preferential treatment will be given to premodern books. Currently this is only open to publishing in English, however other languages may be published for.

Note that for legal reasons, we only print books whose texts or translations are in the public domain, and similarly for illustrations under the jurisdictions of the United States and Europe. The other case is with permission from all the authors and contributors to a work. Thankfully, this makes nearly everything pre-1900s fair game.